The Different Sides

     I have made many other web pages in the past, but never inside of them have I ever explained myself completely...  This may get boring for some, but for most, I believe this will be very interesting and educational...  Please...  Let me share my own side of life to you all...

     I have many DIFFERENT SIDES to me...  For instance, I have a very strong side of personal and mental well being.  I have a side of curiosity, as in, having wonders about why we are really here.  A side of reality, although quite small and faint of sight, obvious to any who know me as well as I try to know myself, exists too.  The most powerful and intense side of myself is last but not least, my religious side...  Something that I try not to cower from or to hide from the inconsiderate mortals...  Please rome around this personal domain as I add new traits to it as well...  I have many more sides to me than I have mentioned.  As they are finished, they will be put on the list below.  Please...  Continue to rome deeper into the depths of my mind.

The Deeper Sides

The Stages of Mentality

The Hatred Realm of Vengeance

The Hallways of Depression

The Books of Confusion

The Mystic Altar

Comic Remedies

Magic : The Gathering